Icon Picker

A simple icon picker component that allows you to pick an icon from a list of lucide icons.


Import the IconPicker component and use it in your project.


pnpm dlx shadcn@latest add "https://icon-picker.alan-courtois.fr/r/icon-picker"


Use the IconPicker component in your project.


Selected icon: None


Custom Trigger

Custom Icons List


The IconPicker component has the following props:

valueIconName-The controlled value of the selected icon.
defaultValueIconName-The default value of the selected icon.
onValueChange(value: IconName) => void-Callback invoked when an icon is selected.
openboolean-Controlled open state of the picker.
defaultOpenbooleanfalseDefault open state of the picker.
onOpenChange(open: boolean) => void-Callback invoked when the open state changes.
childrenReactNode-The trigger element to open the icon picker.
searchablebooleantrueWhether the icon picker is searchable.
searchPlaceholderstringSearch for an icon...The placeholder for the search input.
triggerPlaceholderstringSelect an iconThe text displayed on the default trigger button when no icon is selected.
iconsListIconListall lucide iconsThe list of icons to display in the picker.